Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Underway from Tortuga

Today we got an early start on a 100 nm jump up the coast. We hoisted anchor at 0dark30 and have just rounded Cabo Blanco at 0730 heading for Bahia Potrero. Watch out for the long liners - we snagged one rounding the Cape. There are some rolley anchorages along the way but we prefer just to get to the nicer ones. For surfers this may not be the case - there are many famous surf breaks along the Costa Rica coast.

Islas Tortugas was a very pleasant three day stop. The first night's diurnal wind was the worst with the following two nights being only light from the North. The snorkeling was not very remarkable - maybe only to the numerous newbie day trippers. Some maintenance rounded out our stay with projects from the masthead (sticky anemometer) to the bottom of the keel (scrub).

We had a nice snork and walk on the beach with our new Canadian friends and plan to see them again along the way.

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