Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day 1

After two months preparing Interlude to sell or to sail to New Zealand, fate has decided that we should take another voyage to the South Seas. We are now underway again with our next planned port of call in 3400 nm at Penrhyn (Omoka, Tongareva).

A nice big ebb tide washed us out the Golden Gate Tuesday morning before we turned left at the Farallon Islands, our last sight of land for a few weeks. We have been close reaching under full main and genoa the entire time with a 10 to 15 kn breeze – ideal sailing conditions except for the 6 ft beam seas from a gale up north.

Our noon position today is:

35d26.2m N

125d50.6m W

24 hr noon to noon:

201 nm

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