Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Day 2

After six years of downtime the old Skanti SSB radio is back to working. A last-minute effort that included swapping some components with other old radios has got Interlude and Kurt KG6HFA back on the air with the strongest signal in the cruising fleet. We are now back to giving daily positions/conditions on the Pacific Seafarers Net at 0300 UTC. The Skanti is a military/commercial shipping/marine grade HF radio that has been discontinued and no equal produced. They have a cult following by many amateur radio enthusiasts who have a discussion group to share information on how to keep them working. The X-class solar activity over last weekend reminded us that our Starlink satellite internet is very vulnerable and could go down during these storms. GPS satellites are also at risk so we still have a couple sextants, tables and some digital watches aboard. The Skanti radio will help keep us in contact and keep accurate time with WWV broadcasting from Colorado.

The sun is peeking thru occasionally and with the wind lessening, we may put up the Code Zero.

Our noon position today is:

32d52.9m N

127d15.9m W

24 hr noon to noon:

169 nm

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