Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


At around midnight we had another encounter with our non-responsive fishing buddies. The same two Korean boats, the Okyong and the Dongwon (hilarious names) we encountered yesterday had somehow got ahead of us and set their gear right in our path. Although not good at answering the radio, they were very good at marking their net with five AIS buoys allowing us to avoid any issues with a slight course change.

Our conditions have stabilized but with slightly more wind than the 15 kn forecast. Since it was all hands on deck to deal with the Koreans, we also tucked in a reef at around midnight with no loss of boatspeed. We still have the same wind and seas this afternoon and are making good progress. A favorable equatorial current is adding at least a knot to our speed yielding 9 -10 kn SOG while beam reaching with genoa and reefed mainsail.

A few days ago one of our gaggle of wayward sea birds disabled the B & G masthead unit that gives us wind direction and speed. We happened to catch sight of the likely suspect, a tattered petrel sitting atop the rocking mast trying to hang on. As part of prepping for this cruise, we replaced the masthead unit that was previously broken off by a bird with the spare now damaged by another bird. These units for the 38-year-old instrument system are hard to get. Fortunately there is a company in the UK that makes aftermarket parts that are even better than the original B&G. We got a new spare and are now glad we used the old spare first. We are not however (ie unlike Ellen MacArthur) going to the top of the mast to swap it out while underway. This was all to say that we are now sailing the traditional way, looking at the water, Windex and telltales for wind speed and direction. At night the Windex has its own light and we make full use of Interlude’s foredeck, spreader and cockpit LED floodlights while changing and trimming sails. The masthead unit will be repaired or replaced at anchor (<800 nm to go!)

On May 28, 2024, our position at

1200 Interlude Time

1200 PDT

0700 NZST (May 29)


1d33.7m N, 149d29.7m W

24 hr noon to noon:  215 nm

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