Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Day 13

With the variable conditions in the ITCZ we have been practicing sail changes and even reefing. Interlude has three headsails on furlers ready to deploy (code zero,  genoa and staysail) and three reefs rigged in the mainsail. To get some rest and top off the batteries, we motored all last night when it was mostly calm with just a reefed main for stability. The sail changing continued today amidst dodging a fishing operation with at least a couple boats with long lines or nets (no response on VHF radio) and catching a small tuna ourselves.

Conditions should stabilize tonight as we leave the ITCZ behind us to the north. We look forward to the forecasted steady gentle 10 – 15 kn trade winds south of the equator and eating some tuna sashimi and sushi. Thanks to Judy & Matt for the last-minute supply of wasabi and pickled ginger.

On May 27, 2024, our position at

1200 Interlude Time

1200 PDT

0700 NZST (May 28)


4d14.8m N, 147d7.8m W

24 hr noon to noon:  180 nm

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