Our Mission: To boldly go until we are no more!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Day 17

We had good conditions reaching with main and genoa until this afternoon when the forecasted light wind area finally overtook us. Interlude is now motoring and most likely will continue under power until we anchor sometime around noon tomorrow at Penrhyn.

Only one more Korean fishing vessel with AIS marked net just starting to deploy as we crossed their stern.


Kurt has been checking into the Pacific Seafarer’s Net every day and for the last two days even served as a relay station for one single hander vessel leaving Hawaii for Alaska. No one but Kurt could copy him and after two days at sea his satphone stopped working. He was to call his wife every day to reassure her he is okay. This is why we have backups for backups. I’ll bet they are glad there is a HAM radio aboard and people working the PacSeaNet.

 On May 31, 2024, our position at
1200 Cook Island Time
1500 PDT
1000 NZST (June 1)
6d37.7m S, 155d51.8m W

24 hr noon to noon:  218 nm


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